
I woke up suddenly. My dad was whispering to me from heaven, “LOVE ANYWAY” . The tears rose. But his words caught them before they fell..
Aware of my very breath- the infinite everything of the God particle in and through it all and beyond and beyond and beyond - AND MY DADs presence.
Aware of the need to open the doors and windows to catch the cold morning air- I needed to smell her breath-
aware of the car speeding away in the distance and the hum of discord that comes with a city on its knees awakening once more. Thank you Daddy,
I'm aware and awake. Aware Of the lie outside and next door and in my first thought- the lie of being separate and apart and lost and definable.
The lie of the us and them.
The lie of separation from God.
LOVE ANYWAY because life only expands in collaborative harmony. In love. With love. As love.
Even if our feelings contradict our purpose we still must love. In the shadows- love.
In the discontent- love. In the shedding of our bodies back into the spirit dance- love.
Through the mad man’s story and the ugly man’s rhetoric, and the angry man’s outrage, and the blind man’s fear, and the greedy man’s crimes, and the crying man’s woe and the wilting man’s despair-
Love anyway.
Not the emotional love we have grown to believe is love. Not the gushy ushy fleeting feelings that shift as quickly as breath "love". That's not love.
The re-membering that WE ARE ONE kinda love.
It feels infinite - the unfolding of the truth of God and our existence and purpose. And also so much more simpler than we make it out to be.
It’s these traveling minds of ours - these chaotic thoughts that stop the flow of just BEING very present in each connection and exchange with the NOW of life.
We are missing so much beauty being out of touch with our awareness of what IS in the very breath of merely embracing and speaking and knowing that I AM.
Thank you Dad
Remind me to stay in this realisation. It changes everything

Whatever the source of your angst, it is essential now to protect your heart.

From a place of compassion and care, we must bring whatever light we can see that helps hold our angst. Each of us have our version of how we inspire ourselves.

Wholeness & Love
How do you know if you are on a path that leads to increasing wholeness and involves living out of wholeness? You will hear harmony, not simply the cacophony of a fragmented self.

With each strength we send the eagles out into the wilderness and to the places on the earth where people are in need of ascension, thus expanding the nest and expanding the purposeful destiny of humanity.We are all eagles simply awaiting our ride on the backs of others to the higher places of our destiny.

Each day when you take your head off the pillow you have everything you need.

There are times in our journey when we must walk alone. While the view around us may feel obstructed, it is the light within ourselves that needs to be illuminated.

The hard work of uncovering child sex trafficking globally led me to Belarus.
Waking there on the first morning brought chills and sadness.
As morning found her way into another clearing, crawling through the muck of things done in the dark, she appeared to have bled out all remnants of life and collapsed, instead, from exhaustion and breaking. She lay across the dawn as if taking her last breath. Her outstretched arms, once maternally protecting her sons and daughters, those crying out after the brutality of wars; the annihilations of ancient peoples who transcended gas chambers and heaps of ash. They were no longer on her long winding roads. Their laughter and their hopes had escaped to the promised lands of Israel and the America's, leaving her other brood of children melting away from nuclear disaster, the shattering of bone beneath iron hammers, and the stealing of innocence in filthy orphanages where hope gives way to a bus ticket and a predator at the age of accountability.
Generations of toxicity lay prostrate on the fields of her kingdom. Coughing and crying and pleading into another day. And yet, without the hands of the sun in partnership with her birth, she rose. She rose as women often do...even after beatings, and torture, and rape...she rose though her bones be brutal and her wounds infected...she rose because of her children.
The rain fell silently through the disparaging gray sky. Weeping in secret over the drab rigidity of the city. There is a richness to the emptiness that landscapes Belarus. A vibrant mix of shadow and fear. An impenetrable surrendering to the landscape of social imprisonment. A jail without bars or keys, but a watchtower of control that discourages even the fancy of self exploration. Stone walls and faces of stone awakened to another day devoid of freedom. An expressionless day; a sad blue toned blank and as hidden as the souls of the children haunted behind locked doors. A living sepulcher existence...rotting as grave flesh....from the inside out.
Just one fleeting compassionate soul on the earth at this time in history doing my best to do whatever I can
— Piper Dellums