image shot at Aro Ha
Each day when you take your head off the pillow you have everything you need.
Navigate life with faith patience and grace
“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world”
“Today I am wise, so I am changing myself”
You are a harmonious symphony of all eternal consciousness- creativity, unique perfection, inspiration, passion, purpose, oneness with God-
Happiness is your very DNA. A gift from the Lord.
Collective consciousness
Your gift to humanity is your purpose and destiny
It’s how God introduces himself through you to your neighbour
With whom you love as yourself
God resides at your deepest level
God is consciousness itself
We can only vibrate the energy of God in three ways
Positive negative and neutrality
It is our job to trust the infinite love and healing and grace of God by thinking on these higher vibrational things - up there you will connect with divinity/ healing- peace- love- wholeness- abundance
Fear and doubt and anxiety are the pin that pops your helium and drops you away from grace -
Changing forms from dimension to dimension for the one that comes ext-
Expansion and evolution involves labor and stretching pains
Letting go and faith
Whenever you felt trapped drained
Determine what truly your life is demonstrating to you that is valuable to you- that brings you joy and peace- not what others expect- you-
Shift your mindset to your passion- what do you have to give - what do you love- how can you find daily moments to access your passion.
The power of choice in the now is all there is. Choose scarcity or abundance - competition or cooperation- peace or stress
Find a way to get to that sense of “enough ness” to be fulfilled.
Make the unconscious conscious so you can heal your life. What do you believe ? What belief system have you adapted along the way that is unconscious to you?
Life is hard? Abundance is hard? I’m not worthy? I’m not good enough? I’m not loved!? Seen? Important?
We think 10 thousand thoughts a day
Don’t believe everything you think
Change your thoughts
Change the world
Return to love
It’s not about effort, energy and sacrifice - it’s about bliss
There is no dark night of the soul
There is a dark night of the ego - self image
Our soul is doing perfectly
Dedicate your life to becoming no one
The other side of your ego
The Bible says no one has seen god
So become NO ONE
The problems that you face are exactly the ones you need to be the most phenomenal person you are meant to be.
The problems are solutions in the making. Challenge means opportunity.
THE messy stuff brings the breakthroughs - the compassion- the value of honesty
Start with a beginners mind
What do you need to UNLEARN?
Look at yourself and begin to see WE ARE WHAT-we have BEEN LOOKING FOR
We seek the things we already have within
You are capable - I AM
The call of God
Made in your image
I AM speaks all things into existence
Don’t search room to room for the diamond necklace that is already around your own neck.
Gratitude for each step- each breath- each moment-
It’s all you have
It’s the gift of life
MLK - you don’t have to see the whole staircase- just take the next step.
The meaning of life is to find your gift
The purpose of life is to give it away-
Connection is within me
It is who I am
Going back to self
I am connection
Where we are going is in the self
Letting go of all of the ego- the NOT self - the joy the peace the light -
Letting go of the attachment is the way home
Mark Twain once said
“The two most important days in your life are the day you were born and the day you find out why “
The fire- the abyss- the gifts - then the return
The hero’s journey
Separation- initiation-Return-
Time to take the gifts you found about yourself/ purpose- what you’re here to do and take them to the world