What am I speaking into existence at this time?
I am love and infinite, even in the shadow, as I let love IN under any condition.

Accountability and self-love also means turning inward and facing the deepest parts that I have abandoned; soul level truth.

I realize my own self realisation is the greatest service I can give to the world right now—simply through being anchored, in my own body and not asking permission to do what my heart is calling me to do.

I am my own guru, my own inner authority and my own fact checker and when I sit with what IS—just as it is (in approval of all), I then see how much I really am the co-creator of which the Universe I reside. I choose to walk the inner fire of my own truth, voice, body and soul. I don’t need your validation. I can discern within. And the only way I or YOU can talk “down” to me is if I decide I was “down there” to begin with. My position is entirely up to me.

Yes, I am starting to see that the best form of psychic protection is my own DAILY ENERGETIC HYGIENE = being fully grounded in my own body and nervous system. When I am hated, misunderstood, ridiculed or called names I am recognising now how I don’t need to engage, react, “cancel them out” or even hate them back.

The point isn’t about ‘demonising others’ or turning people into enemies. Nor is it about using ‘what happened’ as a way to close my heart. It’s really about wholeness within and learning to sit with the pain in my body (no mind) as it slowly opens my heart to deeper compassion: the real medicine and deeper truth (love) that I am FREE to in-body. In this process, I am seeing that it is really about using these happenings to go within; meet the fragments of my own soul within, seeking Source.

Yes. I choose to use these experiences as a catalyst for anchored being, inner work, reflection and my FREE choice to choose love in my own body. Choosing love, already whole.

In tribal communities we always knew that every morning when we wake up we already have everything we will ever need to get through the day- the only reality- but in this cultural poison we focus on what we don’t have and how to squire it- no rest in the present moment- only scraping and fighting for what tomorrow may bring-

Transcendent practice- universal connectivity- animus awareness- community etc are all apart of our origin of existence before cultural appropriation.

Self identity was lost in the tangled web of societal construct and fear and redefinition as beaten into us generationally through a patriarchal colonising force of power and control

Redefinition of purpose and life goals and definition of happiness came through a societal construct - do this- study this- but this- look this way…etc… how to be safe and stay in your lane- happiness was not a part of the equation- they became OUR goals as well because we stopped thinking - being - connecting- listening on our own. Our faith and trust was stolen through fear, murder, brutality, rape etc…

The lie of survival of the fittest became the foundation of a works of competition and not enough to go around- so we played ring around the Rosie with them and learned how to desperately shove our friend and neighbour from the seat of life- over and over again

Separateness - us and them- ego- self etc became the great lie
No unification
No interweaving
No collective consciousness

I am love and infinite, even in the shadow, as I let love IN under any condition.



