Many of us are feeling off these days. Out of balance. Someone called it languishing.

Perhaps not really certain what is happening but we know we do not feel like ourselves. The change of season alone will do this. The ongoing pandemic, countless losses and the uncertainties of life leave us feeling unsettled.

We are each quite challenged to feel grounded as we are absorbing such intense daily news. For others, the holidays are coming. If you are mourning the loss of someone dear to your heart, there may be anxiety in anticipation. The ongoing grief of longing for those who were beloved. They may still be alive. Perhaps you are estranged from a child or family member.

Whatever the source of your angst, it is essential now to protect your heart.

To circle the wagons of your soul and pull your energy inward.

Regenerating your weary spirit.

Creating a firewall or boundary to areas of exposure that feel toxic or simply too much.

Allowing yourself to be more aligned with your truth and taking care of it.

We can say no. Not right now. We cannot be available to all people for all things at all times. It is a time of being deeply sensitive to your needs.

One of the ways we can come back to balance is reducing the noise of our life.

Creating more calm. Perhaps less talking. Turning the tv off.

Going to a place that nurtures your soul. Whether you are a meditator or not, you are breathing. Bringing your awareness to this ebb and flow can be soothing. We must make the effort to stay in this moment. Whatever you are doing, do that.

Drifting into thoughts of the future can create an enormous tension. We can find a refuge and ease of being through the discipline of coming back to the now.

Finally, we must step away from the fire alarm of our lives. Unless you are in an emergency, there is no urgency. Scale back the life and death drama that you infuse in the mundane aspects of your life. Yes, you will find a parking spot.

For this moment, have your own back.
And then, do it again.

