“The only impossible journey is the one you never begin”

— The Human Heart




ISLOVE is a collective place for people to come together under the sacred red tent to sow seeds of compassion, wisdom, grace and spirit and to birth peace, hope and LOVE. We represent the very unique and diverse collective oneness and DNA of the intention of GOD- of light- of energy- of truth- of the eternal spirit of evolution and transcendence. But how can we heal the sacred trees of life called humanity without first healing her roots.

ISLOVE is not religion but relationship. Not an organisation but an organism. Dedicated to the root healing of humanity- which starts in the field of tears and bleeding and guides us to the mountain of forgiveness which will translate into the arms of grace and love and thus the wings of the breath of life which will sustain us all. This is love. The road to remembering who we are- our purpose and our reason. Radical forgiveness will get us there- trusting the medicine of the earth mother will guide us there- together as a collective we are almost there. Let’s pave this destiny road together IN LOVE- before it’s too late.



LOVE is the Ultimate Truth and the Only Way HOME. The Collaboration of Humanity and Divinity as ONE.

change the vibration of the earth with the mere words, "IS LOVE"


change the vibration of the earth with the mere words, "IS LOVE" 〰️

Sacred Plant Medicine Healing Retreats, Soundbath Meditation, Yoga, Vegan/Vegetarian Green Cuisine, Special Events, Environmental Activism, Ceremonial Clothing & Merchandise

go to our retreat and events website for more information


go to our retreat and events website for more information 〰️



we are islove


we are islove 〰️

Make a Reservation

If you are interested in learning more about plant medicine or if you want to make a reservation:

Please Contact Us: 909-362-6717






The gift of stillness allows us to be intimately related with our spirit.


HEAL Your Body/Heart Connection for Fluid Energetic Balance and High Frequency Manifestation.




The Universe is an example of LOVE. Like a tree. Like the ocean. Like my body. Like my wheelchair. I see the love

DO KNOW WHO YOU TRULY ARE? A video message from Piper Dellums




As we grow in our consciousness, there will be more compassion and more love, and then the barriers between people, between religions, between nations will begin to fall. Yes, we have to beat down the separateness

Your immune systems are comprised of all parts of the eco-system you know as yourself, and include not only every part of you, from your conscious and subconscious thoughts to your physical body systems, but also how you live and function in relationship with the larger ecosystems that surround you.

Life is nothing but an opportunity for love to blossom.
If you are alive, the opportunity is there – even to the last breath.
You may have missed your whole life: just the last breath, the last moment on the earth, if you can be love, you have not missed anything – because a single moment of love is equal to the whole eternity of love.


We are being called by ancient plants back to balance within self and within all creation. Back to freedom.

Back to love

Freedom islove

We are a polarity of DIVINITY, (our eternal consciousness connected to everything), and HUMANITY (the ego driven incarnation which houses our consciousness, yet identifies with separateness. )

Our freedom is in the balance between both.

PLANT MEDICINES, such as Psilocybin (Magic Mushrooms), Cannibus, Banisteriopsis Caapi Vine and the leaves of the Viridis Shrub (Ayahuasca), and Echinopsis Pachanoi Cactus (Wachuma or San Pedro) are speculated to predate the human race.

Psilocybin mushroom species’ out number plant species 10-1.

They are believed by some ancient cultures to be older than thought- older than history- and having survived all transformations of earth purposefully as they are messengers of God to awaken society to her self destruction, and return her to balance and connection to all life on earth.

She is our wisdom back to community, communion, collaboration and cooperation.

Systems and governments of control and political power destroyed plant allies with the destruction of ancient cultures, ancient beliefs, indigenous tribes, nations, freedoms, ritual and practices, the preservation of the balance and harmony of the earth and her forests, oceans, rivers, mountains, valleys and skies as a form of forcing rule under one belief- one system- one ideological perspective.

Out of greed and lack of understanding.

Out of prejudice and fear.

The plant medicines remain as a call back to the healing of humanity.

You are more than what you can ever conceive of, thus an underlying universal shift of healing is taking place with the blessing of plant medicines. Transformation is your birth rite. Evolution is your birth rite. Healing of body, mind, spirit and soul is your birth rite.

PTSD, ANXIETY, STRESS, FEAR, GUILT. DEPRESSION, ADDICTION, EATING DISORDERS, PSYCHOLOGICAL IMBALANCE, and ALL PHYSICAL DISEASE AND ILLNESS have their roots of origin within the unhealthy communications between our brain regions. Because of this, it is imperative to destabilise the default mode network in the brain to stimulate intra-neural communication.

PLANT MEDICINES locate the areas of trauma that live in the brain, causing physiological illness, to make necessary connection with other areas of the brain not utilised in relative reality, and heal the individual through awakening portals of communication that authorise unbiased perspective and new communications.

Thus, the innate intelligence of the human being can then identify the communication error within their psyche and the PLANT MEDICINE actively, and long term, brings all of the neural-chemical processes back into balance.

Whereas, pharmaceutical medications often address and mask physiological symptoms only, plant medicines cause long term healing in all areas of life- attribution points to change the human experience and awareness.

PLANT MEDICINES require no chemical intervention. They grow, fruit, and sprout in absolute rhythm with the purity of nature. They are a message that the earth is in need of healing- that we need a resurrection of the psyche- as we are abusing and destroying PACHAMAMA (our earth mother) so rapidly and deeply that OUR survival without change of spiritual awareness is without hope.

Everywhere you look, you will see what you are looking for.

If you shift your perspective from the ego to the spirit, you will only see the truth- you will only see GOD.

Not trauma. Not judgement. Not failures, shame, guilt, labels or fear. ONLY GOD. GRATITUDE. ONENESS. LESSON. COMPASSION. THE MEDICINE OF LIFE. GRACE. BEAUTY. PURPOSE. LOVE.

When you’re looking for God, all you see is God.

PLANT MEDICINE is a return to GOD

PLANT MEDICINES allow the ego to let go of separateness, judgement, identity, expectation, clinging. A mirror to face the shadows boldly and find the hidden purpose and compassion for the experiences of life from a different awareness. Like viewing a city below from the highest peak of a mountain.

The gifts of the earth mother hold the wisdom of the spirit and soul of creation. PLANT MEDICINE is a union and reunion with the wisdom of all things.

To be in the world but not of the world.

To return HOME to your sacred, perfect, divine, connected ONENESS.

Being LOVE. Radiating LOVE.

The ability to love yourself is intimately related to your capacity to love others. The challenge is creating a life that allows you to fulfil both needs.

“IS LOVE” RETREATS is a pathway to both.


Book a reservation

Mindfulness opens extraordinary windows of LOVE

For More Information

If you are interested in a consultation, learning more about Plant Medicine or our global environmental projects contact us.


If you need deep soul healing, sacred ceremonial or yoga clothing; or if you want to visit our islove Retreat Center contact us.


Give us a call at 909-362-6717

Drop us an email at isloveretreats@gmail.com or simply fill out the form and we will contact you back.


We are never given dream without also being given the power to make them come true. Life can give you a hundred reasons to cry, but you can give life a thousand reasons to smile. Practice the pause. When in doubt, pause. When angry, pause. When tired, pause. When stressed, pause. And when ever you pause, pray.




As we rediscover ancient medicines we re-member our sacred selves- the integrity of our wholeness and collaboration with all things- nature is an extension of ourselves. The plants are the messengers, masters, and hope for the future of generations - a commitment to the health of all things and all inhabitants of this earth.

All disease and illness starts in the psyche- the beliefs and consciousness of thought and energy. Psychological and evolutionary healing is the universal retrieval of the soul to heal and balance the physical body.
Your thoughts connect to your cellular messages through the body temple.
We have separated our body from our consciousness- our soul- our energetic connection to the universe and beyond.
Do not disregard the integrity of our polarity - our connectedness-
When we remember who we truly are - we will heal as a whole - we cannot disconnect from nature and Our souls- we must unify body, mind and spirit in the garden of our existence
Collective Healing
Collective Consciousness

What is Ego?

From the perspective of many modern psychologists, “the ego” can be thought of as the culmination of three components of the human psyche: the view an individual holds of themselves (self-image), how much value is placed on themselves (self-esteem), and the many beliefs, ideologies and affiliations that an individual holds (self-identity).

This sense of self helps us to classify and quantify our reality, and can affect our thoughts both in the moment and in memory. Therefore, the ego may serve as a gatekeeper of consciousness, admitting into awareness only those thoughts that conform to our self-image.

All of these keystone components of the mind begin developing at approximately age five, when activity in the brain’s (DMN), Default Mode network, becomes distinct from other networks. The DMN is crucially important to the development of social functionality, the perception of time, remembering the past and simulating the future, and the separation of “self” and “other”.

Writer and philosopher, Aldous Huxley, once theorised, “In order to make biological survival possible, the vast amounts of incoming sensory data must be quickly and efficiently categorised and funnelled through a reducing valve.”

The DMN, and therefore the ego, according to Huxley, act as this reducing valve, shutting out thoughts and sensory input that doesn’t fit neatly into our self-image or self-identity, or which could potentially harm our self-esteem. While some filtration is necessary to prevent us from being overwhelmed by a mass of largely useless and irrelevant data, it often results in the formation of cognitive bias, if not also a dualistic lens through which we come to perceive life.

Duality is the opposite of true (i.e. not self-constructed) reality: the division of all aspects of life into opposing forces such as love/hate, good/bad, right/wrong, and holy/sinful.

As a function of this duality, the ego erects boundaries that can lead to us feeling isolated from the people around us, and disconnected from nature and even ourselves—which is why some seek states of ego dissolution, such as those produced by psychedelics or deep meditation. In this state boundaries created by the ego are utterly dissolved. You are fully “in the moment” and able to see things from a macroscopic, more objective perspective. You are no longer an individual isolated from life as it takes place around you, but rather feel interconnected with the universe and all its inhabitants, experiencing intense feelings of love, euphoria, and unity while the self is temporarily forgotten.

This state of selflessness and subsequent feelings of connectivity with the universe are often referred to as “ego death.”

From a philosophical point of view, ego death can be described as a temporary transformation of the psyche; shifting from self -centered to completely unbiased. This could foster a novel perspective, unclouded by the lens of duality that the ego casts over our mundane consciousness.

From a scientific standpoint, ego death is hypothesised to be the result of dampened activity in the Default Mode Network. This temporary quieting can act as a “reset” or “rewiring” of the network, and consequently the rewiring of thought patterns, which are otherwise constrained by the ego. “If you do the same thing repeatedly, it is like you are walking down the same path all the time” , says Dr. Matthew Brown

Dampening activity in the DMN, and the experience of ego death associated with it, “mows the lawn” so that you can stroll down that new path a bit more easily.

Ego death can often increase traits like compassion, forgiveness, openness, clarity, and empathy; it can also show us a true, unbiased reality; therefore illustrating where our egos have “lied” to us in order to preserve self-image, self-identity, and self-esteem. The brief amalgamation of self and other also serves to grant the realisation that we are all connected, which often leads to drastic shifts in personality and even “spiritual awakening.”

In fact, this notion of “oneness” is among the criteria plant medicine scientists use to qualify the “mystical experience,” which correlates with higher rates of healing among those using plant medicine for conditions such as PTSD, anxiety, grief, fear, addiction and depression.

If you find yourself in a situation of ego death, the best thing you can do is surrender to the experience and let yourself exist in the moment soaking up the feelings of unity and connectedness that so many of us desire.

While Harvard LSD researcher, Timothy Leary, began using the term “ego death” in the 1960s, some prefer to call the experience, “EGO DISSOLUTION” While they refer to the same thing, a loss of sense of self, the latter carries a softer weight, with less attention to the idea of “dying.” Indeed, it’s not so much that the self “dies,” but rather dissolves or melts away, as neural pathways open up to new experiences outside the ordinarily defined, mundane sense of self. On the flip side, however, while some may experience a sense of “rebirth” on psychedelics (which falls in line with the metaphor of ego “death”), the notion of ego “dissolution” beckons the idea of re-integrating the self back into a unified, cohesive whole.

Despite its proclivity to filter the world in a dualistic fashion and confine our thoughts to predetermined pathways, the ego should not be thought of as an enemy, but rather as something akin to a necessary evil. Ego is crucial in order for us to be able to quantify our experiences as human beings. While ego can be detrimental, reinforcing negative thought and amplifying psychological conditions like PTSD, depression, anxiety, addiction, and grief, it can also be the force that drives us to survive and prosper. The temporary experience of ego death can give deep personal insight, even enlightenment, but the ego perpetually seeps back into and places its filter over our consciousness. Ego death can be thought of as a tool through which to view our thoughts and actions from an objective perspective. Once we can appreciate that ego is reactively developed, we can relinquish ourselves of its control over our thoughts and emotions.




May WE offer each other the HOPE of the LOVE and WORDS that live in the HEART